Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences

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About Faculty

Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science is an important component of the University supporting the livestock sector through teaching, research and industrial services headed by Dean FAHVS. DVM degree program has been in place since 2004, before which the degree of BSc (Hons) Animal Husbandry degree was awarded. DVM is a composite degree covering animal production and health disciplines and has adopted the standard curriculum approved by the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council and the Higher Education Commission. Postgraduate programs are offered in Animal Nutrition, Livestock Management, Breeding and Genetics, Theriogenology, Pathology and Poultry Science, qualifying the candidates for award of MSc (Hons) and PhD degrees. The Faculty realized that the degree programs be standardized for basic and postgraduate education in veterinary sciences and animal husbandry to bring them in line with other institutions in the country and abroad. The curricula were developed jointly with other universities to produce graduates with professional knowledge and skills compatible for job requirements and development initiatives in the country. The Faculty is also helping the university administration in supervision and coordination of academic activities and disciplines.

A mega-project has been implemented recently which has added teaching and research facilities to the system. Construction of Academic Block, Veterinary, Reproduction and Surgery Clinics, a Semen Production Unit, a Feed Technology and Dairy Technology Center have been established under the project with a total grant of Rs.168 million funded by HEC. In addition to the already existing dairy herd of Dutch Hosltein Friesian, two more were added comprising a herd of Australian Friesian and another of Australian Jersey. One broiler and one quail unit are also maintained and the products are provided to the campus residents on payment. Dairy cattle, sheep, goats, broilers and quails flocks are maintained for research and production at the Farms Block. A well-equipped hatchery is available producing day old chicks for research and production purposes. Sufficient land is available for forage research at the farm center. The faculty has linked with the research and development stations in the province.

Laboratories setup is available in various disciplines of animal health and production sciences. Microbiological, parasitalogical, pharmacological and physiological facilities are available at the Academic, farm and clinical blocks. Spectrophotometery, ELISA, hematology, serology, FT-NIR and other essential facilities are shared by various groups in the faculty and are also made accessible to the sister organizations on request. PCR, gas chromatography and other advanced techniques, available in IBGE, PCSIR and Peshawar University are utilized by postgraduate students.

A significant activity in research has been student projects in postgraduate disciplines and research projects funded by other agencies or collaborative research with other departments. The Faculty is linked with outreach organizations, farmers' and business community and NGOs. Various training courses, workshops and seminars are frequently arranged to provide a shape to this activity. Collaboration with the Livestock Trainers and Consultants has been very effective in organizing trainings for farmers, field officers and industry workers in value addition of dairy products and improved livestock management practices. This cooperation has been in practice under an MoU. Agribusiness Support Fund, CAMP Peshawar, Sabawoon Kohat, Lasoona Swat, Pakistan Job Project - USAID and Save the Children funded these activities. The outgoing DVM graduates are regularly provided a trainer of trainers and participatory extension planning training under this collaboration. Veterinary Camping Service has been another periodical feature of the Faculty for providing services to the livestock farmers and linking them with development and research organizations. This activity was helpful during the Flood 2010 in the region. An MoU was signed with the Relief International for investigating, documenting and controlling zoonotic diseases, communicable from animals to humans and vice versa, through a zoonotic control committee, in the province. A Zoonotic Information Resource Center, a diagnostic lab were established under the MoU and several research studies have been completed/are ongoing. A collaboration has been established with the Boorke Hospital for Animals Peshawar.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is a mountainous area, hence, meat is available in excess here relatively to dairy; and substantial amount of profit can be earned by exporting meat in the international market with Halal logo. The University has been contributing to these effort through various activities under the 
Dairy Science Park. The first international workshop was held during 2011, attended by 450 participants, 50 speakers and 10 industries. Proceedings and recommendations were published and the activities are being covered extensively at the website. Forty nine papers presented in the workshop, were published by the Journal of Animal and Plant Science with an impact factor of 0.638. The second workshop in this series has been scheduled for November 18-20, 2013. A development project proposal titled Modulating Special economic Zones for Meat and Dairy Production, valuing Rs.110 million was prepared for establishing a business incubation center, farmers welfare centers and a central veterinary laboratory. TIKA-Turkey has been considering the proposal for funding and development assistance from other sources is being sought out. Agribusiness Support Fund has been assisting the University in farmers training, providing diagnostic, clinical and consultancy services and linking the University Feed Mill with Mardan Dairy Farmers Association. Relief International Pakistan has been assisting the University for investigating zoonotic diseases and ensuring safety of the livestock and poultry products. The Faculty has been producing broilers and quails under revolving fund and the activity is helpful in students entrepreneurs development. Registered farmers have been involved in this business in addition to turkeys farming. Our next step is to provide slaughtering and storage facilities to help farmers in getting due return for their business and ensure hygienic food production to the local consumers and export.


Dean, Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences
The University of Agriculture, Peshawar
Office Phone: +92 91 9218315, +92 91 9218280
Mobile: ---
Fax: +92 91 9221262
Email: abdur_rahman@aup.edu.pk, agrikar.ar@gmail.com

Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

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