Animal Nutrition

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About Department

Farm Animal Nutrition has been the centre of all educational, research and outreach activities of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Agriculture Peshawar since its inception. The department of Animal Nutrition has been playing a vital role in disseminating as well as creating knowledge on the nutritional value of local feeds, traditional and novel forage production, and their preservation for year-round supply, exploring low-cost local concentrate feed ingredients, and nutrient requirements of various types of farm animals through its educational program, and basic and applied research. The department train students, extension workers and farmers in the related fields, impart practical skills to improve the livelihood of farmers community, through innovations and use of modern/advanced techniques through its highly qualified teaching staff.

The department has highly qualified faculty members and research facilities. The department of Animal Nutrition is offering postgraduate degree programs, MSc (Hons) and PhD, in the field of Animal Nutrition covering wide range of disciplines. In addition to this, the department of Animal Nutrition is offering courses to undergraduate students in five years degree program scheme the “Doctor of Veterinary Medicine” (DVM). The department of Animal Nutrition has six feed evaluation laboratories which has facilities for proximate chemical analysis, fiber and its subfraction analysis, protein subfraction analysis, mycotoxins, energy and minerals analysis. The department also has facilities for in vitro, in situ and in vivo digestibility and N balance studies. For the animal trials the department has rumen cannulated animals, and small and large ruminant research sheds for in vivo digestibility and N balance studies. The department also has a feed mill and urea-molasses multi-nutrient processing unit.

The department is not only involved in teaching and research, but has executed a number of research projects, and provides analytical facilities to industry, and different national and international organizations. The department is also organizing trainings and provide advisory services to dairy and fattening farmers, extension worker, local communities as well as feed producers, feed processors, scientists and other visitors and internees.


Department of Animal Nutrition
Office Phone: +92 91 5710391
Fax: +92 91 9221262
+92 332 9027677

Mailing Address: Department of Animal Nutrition, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.