Islamic / Pak. Studies

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About Department

In modern day world, our society and beloved country need such a magnanimous scholars and experts, who beside having potent knowledge of Islam, bear the capacity of facing the challenges of the modern age, dealing effectively with the new demands, and hold the perception of future prudence. For such glorious purpose, The department utilizes all its available resources in producing scholars in the fields of Quran, Hadith Islamic Jurisprudence etc, who according to the new trends and disposition of the modern age, got the authority to interpret & elucidate Islam and different off-shoots of Islamic knowledge. For this magnificent purpose CRS besides teaching activities introduces M.Phil and PhD programs in Islamic Studies for the professional growth of scholars in the field of research. The department works with a vision to ensure that every Muslim, in general, and students of the university, in particular, contain the Islamic and ethical values. The department aims at making them practical and model moderate Muslims.

Vision Statement:

To model such visionary and moderate scholars who can lead the nation in an applicable way. Besides that they can present the true picture of Islam on international horizons, spreading interfaith harmony & intercultural harmony and become messengers of International peace.

Mission Statement:

To fulfill the needs and demands of Islamic Education in all the departments Of the University Prepare scholars who have a grasp of Islamic Studies/Arabic in general and command over the areas of specialization in particular Establish a cadre of specialists and professionals in different fields of Islamic Studies/Arabic who can provide effective leadership and conducting quality research in various disciplines of Islamic Studies. Provide opportunities of professional growth and development to scholars.


Department of Islamic / Pak. Studies
Office Phone: + 92 91 9221295
Fax: + 92 91 9221262
Mobile: +92 333 9739630

Mailing Address: Department of Islamic / Pak. Studies, The university of Agriculture,Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan.