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About Department

Entomology is a major department of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University. Since its establishment in 1962, the department has been involved in teaching and conduction of basic and applied research in different areas of Entomology. Eight faculty members are serving the department. Four faculty members have secured Ph. D. (two from USA, one from Germany and one from Pakistan).

Since its inception the department has produced 380 graduates, 220 masters and two PhDs. Faculty members and students have published 180 research articles in national and international journals. Additionally, 27 internship reports, 98 special problems and 86 review papers have been authored. Faculty members have written four books also. Ten research projects have been completed by the faculty of the department.

For quality research and teaching we have equipped our labs with quality microscopes, cameras, growth chambers, controlled temperature and humidity devises, insect collection and storage equipment, overhead projectors and computers. These facilities are available to students whenever they want to conduct their experiments.


Department of Entomology.
Phone Office: +92 91 9221287
Fax: +92 91 9221262
Mobile: +92 334 9019110
Email: mshah@aup.edu.pk, entomologist13@yahoo.com

Mailing Address: Department of Entomology , The University of Agriculture, Peshawar 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.