Agricultural Extension Education & Communication

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About Department

Agricultural extension education is the mother of all agricultural sciences and without extension education, adoption and diffusion of new agricultural technologies, Agriculture Development is impossible. Agricultural extension is one of the driving forces that are responsible for growth of agricultural productivity by transferring latest scientific based improved agricultural technologies to the farmers and ultimately strengthen the national economy. However, for agricultural development of a country, the presence of strong linkages amongst the three main institutions, human resource development through university education, technology development through research, and technology transfer through extension are unavoidable. The technology transfer, however, does not take place in a vacuum but it is done through a well organized extension system. The latter is a continuous process of passing on useful and required information to the farmers and then assisting them to utilize effectively new knowledge and skills for increasing their production and income. Keeping in view the importance of agriculture extension and communication for the technology transfer to the farmers, a full fledged department of Agricultural Extension Education and Communication was established in 1990 which offers graduate and post graduate courses leading to B. Sc. (H), M. Sc. (H), and Ph. D. degrees.

In addition to the primary aim of providing higher education in this specialized field, the Agricultural Extension Education and Communication is helping, collaborating and providing services to teaching, research and outreach staff in designing and developing instructional material to improve their efforts in teaching, continuing education, outreach and research dissemination. Various services are provided in slide preparation, video production, and support services in print media, graphics and training in use of audio visual equipment.


Department of Agricultural Extension Education & Communication
Office Phone: +92 91 9216891
Fax: +92 91 9221262
Mobile: +92 334 9164192

Mailing Address: Department of Agricultural Extension Education & Communication, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.