Video Conferencing Room (VCR)

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Computerization and Network Enhancement Programme (CNEP)


Video Conferencing Room (VCR)

In this modern era where we are living is now called as a global village. This is due to the fact that the Information technology has grown at a tremendous rate & speed and has provided access to every individual around the world to each and every corner of the world. The Higher Education Commission has been kind enough to provide the facility of Video Conferencing in The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. Now, our university can be benefited from other international universities having such a high caliber faculty with a much more comprehensive setup and research facilities. The university has established its Video Conferencing Lab through which access to national/international institutes of research and development is now possible.

The Network connectivity to the video conferencing has been provided under the CNEP project which has enabled the faculty and graduating scholars of the university to learn from the foreign professor/researcher and scientists. This Video Conference Room can accommodate Sixty (60) attendants at a time.