Mission Vision

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The University of Agriculture, Peshawar

"Enhanced food security and sustainable livelihood through knowledge based economy"

"To promote, enhance and maintain quality education by producing competent human resource and conducting result-oriented research to achieve food security and socio economic development of the society through innovation and core values"

Core Values:
  1. Excellence in learning, innovation and service
  2. Supportive and healthy working environment
  3. Intellectual and academic independence
  4. Transparency in decision making and information sharing
  5. Fiscal, academic, performance and programmatic accountability
  6. Recognition of academic, scientific and personal achievements
  7. Economic and environment sustainability
  8. Improved quality of life for the people and communities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the nation and beyond
  1. Quality learning through quality education and innovative training programmes.
  2. Produce quality graduates equipped with knowledge and skills to lead a change in the agricultural network.
  3. Generate knowledge via basic and applied research and disseminate through communication means and outreach programmes.
  4. Improve efficiency through academic and performance audit.
  5. Focus on research, innovation and commercialization to offer solutions to agriculture related problems of the farming community.
  6. Enhanc impact of academic and research programmes through collaborative integration of allied institutions.