EFS operation

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Endowment Fund Secretariat

UAP Endowment Fund operation:
The University of Agriculture, Peshawar is responsible for the operation of the Endowment Fund and shall consist mainly of the selection, processing, approval, monitoring, evaluation and coordination of projects under Transfer of Technology, supported in whole or in part by UAP Endowment Fund. The primary source of such funding shall be from the income generated through the investment of the principal amount.

The detail of the program under Technology Transfer is given below:

Technology Transfer
Project proposals under this component may be submitted keeping in view the following general guidelines:

  1. The concept papers will be invited from the scientists through advertisement not exceeding 3-4 pages with one page budget estimates in priority areas of national importance identified by the UAP (Proforma attached annex-B).
  2. Appraisal of concept papers by the Endowment Fund Secretariat through Technical Experts/Reviewers.
  3. Invitation of detailed proposals in the light of recommendations by the Technical Reviewers. (Proforma attached annex-C)
  4. Review of detailed proposals by two national referees and the cooperating scientists (where applicable).
  5. Submission of detailed proposals to Technical Committee (TC) of the Endowment Fund along with recommendation of referees for concurrence.
  6. The recommendation of TC will be submitted to the Executive Committee (EC) for final approval and allocation of budget.
  7. Implementation Agreement between the executor and the UAP.
  8. Issuance of Administrative approval of projects.
  9. Monitoring, review and evaluation of projects and programs will be organized by the Endowment Fund Secretariat, UAP (Proforma attached annex-D).
  10. The PI(s) will submit inception report within three months of the approval for minor adjustments in planning matrix, plan of work, methodology proposed and budget (within the allocated amount without gross level revision of budget). After inception report, no appropriation of funds will be permissible.
  11. The EC will review annual progress of projects. Funding of projects that do not show adequate progress may be withheld. (Proforma attached annex-F)

Reporting and Dissemination of Results

  1. The Incharge (Principal Investigator) of UAP Endowment Fund funded project shall ensure timely and regular submission of financial and technical (inception progress) reports to UAP Endowment Fund Secretariat on the prescribed proforma ( Annex-E)
  2. On termination of the project, final financial report and technical report will be submitted for evaluation and settlement of accounts with UAP Endowment Fund Secretariat.(Proforma attached annex-G)
  3. Any additional information required by the Endowment Fund Secretariat shall be supplied by the concerned Project Incharge (PI).
  4. The project (s) findings will be disseminated to all the stakeholders, public and private institutions.

Priority of the projects funding
The projects will be awarded in the following proportions:
Technology Transfer: 40%
Product Commercialization: 40%
R& D Projects: 20%