Dr. Asim Muhammad

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Dr. Asim Muhammad

Associate Professor (Tenured)

  • +92 91 9216185
  • +92 333 9883051
  • +92 91 9221262
  • asimmuh@aup.edu.pk, asimmir96@gmail.com
  • www.aup.edu.pk
  • HEC Approved Supervisor


PhD & Post Doc

Area of Specialization

Agronomy (Crop Production, Seed technology, Crop Nutrition, Stress Physiology, Crop Physiology, Crop Modelling)

Professional Responsibilities

Teaching & Research

Research Projects

  1. Principle Investigator in Project entitled “Production of Biodiesel from seeds of Jatropha plant”. (Funded by Directorate of Science & Technology)
  2. Principle Investigator in Project entitled "To Screen out and evaluate well adopted and highly yielded genotypes of textile cotton". (Funded by Directorate of Science & Technology).
  3. Principle Investigator in Project entitled "Climate change effects on maize productivity, shifting of sowing season and maturity. Total found 2.6 million. (Funded by HEC under National Research Programme for Universities)"
  4. Principle Investigator in Project entitled "Role of Molybdenum and Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Applications Methods on Yield and Quality of Chickpea Varieties under Irrigated and Rain fed Conditions." Total found 2.1 million. (Funded by HEC under National Research Programme for Universities).


Best paper of the session awarded by Dignified Researchers in Agricultural, Biological and life sciences (Drabl Editor org). Malaysia.

HEC Travel Grants:

  • Travel grant awarded by HEC for oral presentation International Congress on Animal & Agricultural Sciences, Colombo, Srilanka.
  • Travel grant awarded by HEC for oral presentation International Congress on Agricultural, Food and Biological Sciences (ICAFNBS-2016). Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
  • Certificate of Excellence for Reviewing international Journals


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Mailing Address

Department of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan