Internet Facility

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Computerization and Network Enhancement Programme (CNEP)



Internet Facility in the University

Now at the end, coming to the backbone of the CNEP Project. Access to PERN is possible only through a high speed, reliable internet service. The main focus was given on the internet facility.
A main fiber cable runs through the university from department to department and building to building where a fiber switch terminates the fiber and connectivity is supplied through UTP cables to each office.
The university has a very vast and expanded setup where there are three farms at a remote distance from the main university building, two schools and colleges for boys and girls, a number of hostels and a separate graduate institution called IBMS/CS.  A very fine and planned layout has been setup to provide internet connectivity all these individual setups.

A brief overview is as under of each.

Internet facility to the Main Library
The Main Library of the University is connected with NOC via fiber optic. Besides, 20 computer systems have been provided to the Main Library for students (Male & Female) in separate settings inside Library.

Internet facility to Faculty members for Research and Development
As the main objective of PERN is to facilitate faculty members to carry out their research and development activities. CNEP has provided each faculty member a separate PC and a laptop to senior faculty, connectivity has also been provided in each and every office to facilitate the faculty of the internet/network services so that the research work may be carried out in a prolific manner.

Computer Rooms/Laboratories
The Laboratory is equally committed to ensuring that its students are fully informed about the current state of the art, and are thoroughly equipped to meet the challenges of the future. We will continue to ensure that they have a proper training in both principles and practice  for example in system theory, Network design and Information Technology to contribute as computer science and technology professionals to all areas of employment where computing has or acquires a role.

We will continue to educate our graduate students so that they will be the innovators of the future. We believe that by continuing at the forefront of computing and computer science research we will both advance the field itself and ensure that our teaching is forward-looking and of high quality, so that our graduates will meet the emerging technical, economic and social challenges that global-scale information and communications technologies bring.

Agricultural University School & College System
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University sustains two of its schools and colleges for boys and girls for the purpose of providing standard education to the children of its employees from primary to higher secondary level. These schools and colleges have grown in strength and is one of the renowned school systems in Peshawar. Keeping in view the importance of information technology, CNEP has extended its internet and networking facilities to both these schools.

Separate aerial fiber connectivity has been provided to these schools where teachers/staff as well as the students from secondary level to intermediate level are benefited from this facility.

Internet Facility to Hostels
The Agricultural University has gone one step forward in facilitating the students of the university. Apart from the internet facility provided to students in the computer labs and university’s main library, CNEP has also extended its aerial fiber to the hostels of the university. Though this facility is currently limited to warden lodges and officer rooms, but a layout has been planned and physical survey is underway to provide internet facility to each room of the students in the hostels.