Prof. Dr. Amanullah Khan

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Prof. Dr. Amanullah Khan


  • +92 91 9216540
  • +92 300 5741363
  • +92 91 9221262
  • HEC Approved Supervisor


PhD in Agronomy from University of Agriculture Peshawar (2004) & Post Doctorate in Sustainable Soil Management from Dryland Agriculture Institute, West Texas A&M University, Texas, USA (2010).

Area of Specialization

Agronomy, Dryland Agriculture, Irrigation Agronomy, Crop Nutrition, Fertilizer & Water Use Efficiency, Water Productivity, Growth & Economic Analysis, Plants Competition, Crops Management under Stressful Environments, Soil Threats, Sustainable Crop-Soil & Water Management, Organic Farming, Evaluation of Organic Carbon Sources, Biofertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Management etc.

Professional Responsibilities

1-Teaching, 2-Research, 3-Additional Director Advanced Studies & Research, 4-Farmers Training, 5-Staff Proctor, 6-Editorail Board Member of 15 Journals, 7-Membership of many International Societies & organizations, 8-Other Outreach Activities

Research Projects

  1. Pak-China collaborative project on "Enhancing Wheat Productivity Under rainfed Conditions" for a period of one year (2004-2006) as Co-PI.
  2. AUP project on "Improving yield and Quality of Maize through Nitrogen Management" for a period of two years (2008 to 2011) as PI.
  3. Transfer of Modern Production Technology of Field Crops Cultivation to Farmers through Field Days and Trainings for period of two years (January 2017 to December, 2018).


  1. Recipient of Bronze Medal in M.Sc (Hons)-1999.
  2. First position in M.Sc (Hons) Agronomy-1999.
  3. First Position in the Faculty of Crop Production Sciences (FCPS)-1999
  4. Post Doctoral Merit Fellowship, Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad-2010.
  5. Research Productivity Award from PCST, Islamabad-2011-12.
  6. Research Productivity Award from PCST, Islamabad-2012-13.
  7. Best Research Proposal Award & First Prize by DICE at the University of Gujarat, Punjab-2013.
  8. Research Productivity Award from PCST, Islamabad-2015-16.
  9. Book on: Soil & Pulses Symbiosis for Life (FAO)-2016.
  10. Member of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soil (ITPS) / Global Soil Partnership (GSP), FAO, Rome, Italy (2015-2018).
  11. Member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Water Footprinting of Livestock Environmental Assessment Performance Partnership (LEAP), FAO, Rome, Italy (2016-2019).
  12. Declared Member in Good Standing according to the By-Laws and Constitution of the American Society for Microbiology in 2018-19.
  13. Fellow & life member of the International Society of Development and Sustainability (ISDS)-Japan
  14. Global Outreach Contributing Member in the Rolls of the American Society for Microbiology (USA)
  15. Country Representative in Association for Environment Management and Sustainability (Sri Lanka)
  16. Editor in high impact factor journals: Scientific Reports, PeerJ & MDPI Agriculture


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Department of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan