Scholarship Rules

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Directorate of Financial Assistance and Development (FAD)

  1. The University shall award scholarships from its own resources, Students Welfare Endowment Fund (SWEF) or funds received from government and non-government organizations.
  2. The University shall award scholarships received from Donor Organization /own resources.
  3. Scholarships will be advertised in at least two national newspapers along with admission program, all university notice boards and will also be uploaded on University official website.
  4. The applicants will be interviewed by the committee in order to identify and select the most needy and deserving students for the scholarship. The criteria developed to determine the deserving needy students include: parents' income, family assets, earning hands, dependent members in the family, and number of family members studying, age and educational status, low paid government employees, pensioner, deceased parents, handicapped parents, utility bills (electricity, gas, telephone and water) or other evidence of low income.
  5. The scholarships will be awarded on the recommendations of the institutional Scholarship Award Committee (ISAC) duly constituted by the Vice-Chancellor.
  6. The recommendations of ISAC will be approved by the Scholarship Management Committee (SMC) at HEC in case of USAID scholarship only.
  7. Scholarship shall be awarded /continue in second semester (onward) to those students who secures and maintain at least 2.5 GPA in each semester.
  8. Scholarship in the current semester will be paid on the performance in previous semester. No scholarship payment be made to a student for that semester where his/her GPA is below than 2.50 or fail in any subject.
  9. Scholarship will be awarded on academic record, interest in studies, general academic progress as well as compliance of University rules & regulations. However, students who are involved in activities against the university disciplines and whose conduct are detrimental to the interest of the country, its people, and the university, are ineligible for any scholarship.
  10. No students shall be entitled to double concession/Scholarship. Students shall be entitled to only one scholarship at a time. In case the student is awarded more than one scholarship at a time, he/she will be allowed to choose the scholarship most beneficial to him/her. This option shall be obtained in writing and kept in records. However, once the scholarship is availed he/she cannot opt for another scholarship in the same year nor he/she can refund the amount of the earlier one. However he /she can opt among these scholarships in the next year.
  11. Scholarships shall be awarded for a period of one semester and may extend for further period on satisfactory academic record and discipline.
  12. The student shall be eligible for scholarship, who maintain at least 75% attendance in all registered courses and no disciplinary action or proceedings are in progress or pending against him/her at time of award.
  13. Scholarships shall not be awarded to self finance students mainly because such students are mostly on relatively low merit. The programs under IBMS or any other Department/Institute where there is single fee structure shall be considered as open merit regular programs of the university and shall be eligible for the award of scholarships. However, among the eligible programs, priority shall be given to Agriculture, Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry students.
  14. USAID, HEC-Need Based Scholarship, SWEF, PEF, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall Scholarships shall not be awarded to the sons/daughters of the university of Agriculture, Peshawar or HEC employees.
  15. Scholarships shall be awarded to both undergraduate and graduate students. However priority shall be given to undergraduate students. Moreover, those who once availed the opportunity of HEC/USAID Scholarships for under graduate program are eligible but shall be given least priority over those who have not availed similar opportunity in the past.
  16. The Vice-Chancellor shall sanction the University scholarships, on the recommendations of scholarship committee constituted by the Vic-Chancellor.
  17. In-Service students shall not be entitled to scholarships or financial aid.
  18. Stipend to international students will be paid as per directives of donor agency in case the SOPS is provided, otherwise rules and regulation of the University shall be relaxed with the approval of the Vice Chancellor to facilitate their stay in pursuit of their education.