Event Details


1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Sustainable Business Management (ICETSBM-23)

  • November 7, 2023
Institute of Business & Management Sciences (IBMS)
07-09 November, 2023

1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Sustainable Business Management (ICETSBM-23)

Patron-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Jehan Bakht Vice Chancellor
Chief Organizer/Convener: Prof. Dr. Dawood Jan Pro-Vice Chancellor/Dean FMCS
Conference Co-Chair: Dr. Mohammad Fayaz Director IBMS
Focal Person: Dr. Sabeeh Ullah Assistant Professor IBMS
Conference Secretary: Dr. Sajid Rahman Assistant Professor IBMS

As today's modern world is characterized by changing markets trends and a boom in technology, businesses are adopting new ways to cope with the changing demands, ensuring their viability, and creating new opportunities.Such a challenging and competitive environment urges the businesses to cope with several challenges like technological advancement, sustainable development, socially responsible business practices, rapidly shifting trends and patterns in market, contrasting demographic patterns, innovation needs & transformations, and climate change. Therefore, achieving greater convergence and sustainable development needs comprehensive and tailored strategies.

Considering the need of the hour, Institute of Business and Management Sciences (IBMS), the University of Agriculture, Peshawar Pakistan is planning to organize an International Conference in hybrid mode (both Physical and Online) titled "1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Sustainable Business Management (ICETSBM-2023). ICETSBM-23 aims to bring together leading academicians, practitioners, researchers, and students to exchange their views, knowledge, experience and insights on the emerging trends in sustainable business and management.

This conference will enable the participants to catch up on the latest business trends within the defined themes, get a chance to know the relevant industry experts, and make a contribution to the body of knowledge by getting published in HEC recognized journals.

Conference Objective:
The main objective of this conference is to bring together researchers, academicians, practitioners, and scholars from business and management fields to exchange their researches and experiences.

Tentative Dates and Venue:
Tentative Dates: 07-09 November, 2023.
Venue: Institute of Business and Management Sciences (IBMS), The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan.

Conference Themes:
This Conference "1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Sustainable Business Management (ICETSBM-2023) will be a prestigious event, organized to provide an international platform for the academicians, researchers, managers, industrial participants and students to share new ideas, research insights, recent innovations, trends, and challenges faced in the field of business and management. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy and relevance to academic conference theme "Challenges and Prospects for Sustainable Businesses Management in the Contemporary World" and sub-themes reported below.

Authors are encouraged to submit empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, research proposals that broadly fit within the specific remit of any of the conference themes mentioned below:

1. Sustainable Business:

  1. Smart and Sustainable Development Issues in the Digital Environment
  2. Technological and Social Innovation for Sustainable Business
  3. Energy Transitioning to Sustainability
  4. Sustainable Business Models
  5. Travel and Tourism Resilience and Sustainability Challenges
  6. Business Challenges and Opportunities during Crises
  7. Business Ethics and Responsible Business
  8. Responsible Consumption and Production

2. Agri-Business Economics:

  1. Innovation for Sustainable Agri-food Chains
  2. New and Sustainable Agribusiness Management Models
  3. Drivers of Economic Growth in Emerging Economies
  4. Future Perspectives and Global Challenges in Sustainable Economic Development
  5. Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Agriculture and Food
  6. Resilience of Agriculture and Food Systems in Pakista
  7. Small-scale Farms, Demographic Changes, and Rural Transformation in Pakistan
  8. Agricultural Trade, Value Chains, and Food Markets
  9. The Roles of Agriculture for SDGs in developing countries

3. Accounting & Finance:

  1. Data Science and Future of Accounting
  2. Accounting Challenges in the Digital World
  3. Accounting Standards and Compliance
  4. Reporting and Disclosure Standards and Related Challenges
  5. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
  6. Contemporary Developments in Fintech
  7. Optimization in Finance
  8. Behavioral Finance
  9. Green Finance
  10. Contemporary Issues in Corporate Finance
  11. Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Risk Management
  12. Financing Options for SMEs and Startups
  13. Global Capital Markets and their role in Investment Financing in the Digital World
  14. Investments and Portfolio Management in the Modern World

4. Islamic Banking:

  1. Islamic Social Finance: Zakat, Waqf & Sadqah
  2. Strengthening Islamic Finance Towards Shared Prosperity
  3. Standardization of Islamic Products
  4. Islamic Crowd Funding
  5. Islamic Finance and Principles of Responsible Banking
  6. Strengthening Islamic Economy and Financial System in the Post Pandemic era
  7. Business Ethics in Islamic Banking and Finance
  8. Globalizing the Islamic Economy
  9. The Future of Fintech for Islamic Banks in Pakistan
  10. Islamic Mutual Funds, Insurance & Sukuks

5. Marketing & Entrepreneurship:

  1. Sustainable Marketing Practices
  2. Digital Marketing and Analytics
  3. Marketing During Crises
  4. Influential and Affiliated Marketing
  5. Marketing across the Borders
  6. IT-enabled Entrepreneurship
  7. Developing Entrepreneurial Culture
  8. Women Entrepreneurship
  9. Determinants of digital entrepreneurial intention
  10. Entrepreneurial Social Networks in the digital age
  11. The Strategic Role of Entrepreneurial Marketing in SMEs
  12. Services Marketing
  13. Retailing and E-Tailing
  14. Online Marketing
  15. Pharmaceutical and Health Care Marketing
  16. Social and Cause Related Marketing
  17. Marketing for NPOs

6. Hospitality and Tourism Management

  1. Sustainable Tourism
  2. Tourism Development and Government Role
  3. Tourism Policy and Destination Management
  4. Special Interests in Tourism
  5. Accommodation Management
  6. Hospitality Accounting
  7. E-Tourism and e-Marketing
  8. Other Research Topics focused on Tourism and Hospitality

7. Human Resource/Management:

  1. Future of Work
  2. Managing Organizational Knowledge
  3. Green HR Practices
  4. Leadership and New Normal
  5. Emotional Intelligence and Employee Engagement
  6. Work Family Conflict and Possible Remedial Strategies
  7. Organizational Change and Development
  8. Employees Turnover and Retention Strategies
  9. Digital Transformation and Technological Innovation
  10. Artificial Intelligence and human behavior interaction

For more information contact:
Dr. Sajid Rahman
Conference Secretary
Mobile: +92 345 3889297
Email: sajidktk99@yahoo.com

Dr. Sabeeh Ullah
Focal Person
Phone: +92 91 9221248
Mobile: +92 333 9167001
Email: sabeeh@aup.edu.pk, sabehmath@gmail.com