Prof. Dr. Khalid Nawab

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Prof. Dr. Khalid Nawab

Professor (Retired)

  • +92 91 9216950
  • +92 333 9401069
  • +92 91 9221262
  • HEC Approved Supervisor


M.S. Agricultural Education

Area of Specialization

Agricultural Extension Education and Communication

Professional Responsibilities

Teaching, Research and Administration.

Research Projects

Small Research Grant Program Under NDP, WAPDA.

  1. Adaptive Research Project for major crops in Bannu District under ARP-II.
  2. An Investigation into professional competencies of extension agents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under AUP-HEC Project.
  3. Quantification of economic gain from chickpea crop sown under irrigated fields in southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its implications for agricultural extension under PSF Islamabad.


  1. M.SC scholarship under USAID Programme
  2. M.S. Scholarship in Agricultural Education from TIPAN (USAID) for 1992-94.
  3. Small Research Grant for Ph.D. by National Drainage Program (NDP) Lahore.
  4. Award of Indigenous HEC Fellowship for PhD
  5. Have supervised one PhD student for his thesis/dissertation as major supervisor.
  6. Have supervised about 20 M.Sc.(H) students for their thesis/research as major supervisor.
  7. Have supervised 4 B.Sc.(H) students for their internship program/report.
  8. Have supervised more than 15 B.Sc.(H) students for their special problem/review papers.
  9. Have attended/presented research papers in two international seminars in Egypt in 2006 & 2007


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Mailing Address

Department of Agricultural Extension Education & Communication, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.