Business Incubation Centre

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Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC)


Business Incubation Centre

The HEC supports the establishment of Business Incubation Centre's (BIC) in HEIs of Pakistan to provide basic infrastructure and allied facilities for researchers and young entrepreneurs who are interested in developing early-stage business ventures. A business incubator's main goal is to produce successful firms that will leave the program financially viable and freestanding.

Business Incubators are companies which support new and startup companies in their initial development stage by providing an array of targeted resources and services. These services are developed or arranged by the business incubator and offered by it directly or through its network of contacts. Graduates of the business incubator programme create jobs, revitalize neighborhoods, commercialize new technologies, and strengthen local and national economies. Instead of creating job seekers we are turning new graduates into job providers.